2007年10月29日 星期一

Shutdown Period 1.0 for XP

I make this program because my niece cannot control herself in using computer. Now she can study, have dinner and go to sleep on time.

It is very simple to use:

(1) Store this program in your USB drive (Download the file "Time Eng.zip" and double-click to decompress it).
(2) Click "Setup of Shutdown Period" and enter your Start Time and End Time for each Shutdown Period (up to 3 periods). These data will be stored in your computer.
(3) Remove USB drive.

Everyday, the computer will shut down when the time reaches or falls within the periods.

During setup, the program will ask you to create a password. This will enable you to use the computer in the shutdown period. If you forget the password, just plug-in the USB drive and click "Remove Shutdown Period".

There are also 2 scripts for you to disable the computer clock and tasklist so that the kids cannot change the time or stop the program.

Click the following to go to the download page (Best Sharing) and download the file "Time Eng.zip" there.

Download Page

If you have any question, just email to shutdownforu@gmail.com.

Screenshots of this program: